
using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;

// This is a SoundManager. Everything audio in the project will be managed through here.
// Clips can be played calling the appropriate functions in the code and assigning the audio clips in the Unity Editor.
// For info on the various functions available please check the comments in this file or look in the documentation.

public class SoundManager_01 : MonoBehaviour {

	public AudioSource sfxSound;				// Sound source for SFX
	public AudioSource msxSound;				// Sound source for Music
	public SoundManager_01 instance = null;		// instance of sound manager value, set to null

// In the Awake function we check for multiple instances of the SoundManager.
// For performance optimization and to avoid conflicts we will destroy all the SoundManager objects that are not this.

	void Awake (){
		// check if there are no instances of the sound manager
		if (instance == null)
			// in this case set it to this
			instance = this;

		// if there is already an instance of the sound manager, but it's not set to this
		else if (instance != this)
			// destroy it.
			Destroy (gameObject);

// From here on we will define the different functions needed...
// The first function we need is the play function for a single sound.
	public void PlaySingleSound (AudioClip clip){
		// assign the clip passed in to the sfx sound source
		sfxSound.clip = clip;

		// and play it.

// The second function plays a random sound from an array of sounds, randomized for pitch and volume
	public void PlayRandomSound (float minPitch, float maxPitch, float minVolume, float maxVolume, params AudioClip[] clips){

		// generating a random number to use as index selector for play
		int randomNumber = Random.Range (0, clips.Length);

		// assign the clip to our sfx source
		sfxSound.clip = clips[randomNumber];

		// support for random pitch
		AudioPitchRandomizer (sfxSound, minPitch, maxPitch);
		// support for random volume
		AudioVolumeRandomizer (sfxSound, minVolume, maxVolume);

		// and play it
		sfxSound.Play ();

// Function for pitch randomization functionalities
	private float AudioPitchRandomizer (AudioSource sfxSource, float minPitch, float maxPitch){

		// generating a random multiplier for pitch, in the [minPitch, maxPitch] range.
		float randomPitch = Random.Range (minPitch, maxPitch);

		// scaling the pitch of the sound source by its multiplier
		sfxSource.pitch *= randomPitch;

		// return it to the caller
		return sfxSource.pitch;

// Function for volume randomization functionalities
	private float AudioVolumeRandomizer (AudioSource sfxSource, float minVol, float maxVol){

		// generating a random multiplier for volume, in the [minVol, maxVol] range.
		float randomVolume = Random.Range (minVol, maxVol);

		// scaling the volume of the sound source by its multiplier
		sfxSource.volume *= randomVolume;

		// return it to the caller
		return sfxSource.volume;

Author: Lorenzo Salvadori

a video game audio specialist with a B.Sc. in Physics (specialisation: Astronomy), and with an extensive background in music. He is always researching and opening his mind to the new frontiers of technology. Bringing together all of the technical and audio skills he is constantly looking for new people to work with and new challenges to thrive on.

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