using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;
// This is a SoundManager. Everything audio in the project will be managed through here.
// Clips can be played calling the appropriate functions in the code and assigning the audio clips in the Unity Editor.
// For info on the various functions available please check the comments in this file or look in the documentation.
public class SoundManager_01 : MonoBehaviour {
public AudioSource sfxSound; // Sound source for SFX
public AudioSource msxSound; // Sound source for Music
public SoundManager_01 instance = null; // instance of sound manager value, set to null
// In the Awake function we check for multiple instances of the SoundManager.
// For performance optimization and to avoid conflicts we will destroy all the SoundManager objects that are not this.
void Awake (){
// check if there are no instances of the sound manager
if (instance == null)
// in this case set it to this
instance = this;
// if there is already an instance of the sound manager, but it's not set to this
else if (instance != this)
// destroy it.
Destroy (gameObject);
// From here on we will define the different functions needed...
// The first function we need is the play function for a single sound.
public void PlaySingleSound (AudioClip clip){
// assign the clip passed in to the sfx sound source
sfxSound.clip = clip;
// and play it.
// The second function plays a random sound from an array of sounds, randomized for pitch and volume
public void PlayRandomSound (float minPitch, float maxPitch, float minVolume, float maxVolume, params AudioClip[] clips){
// generating a random number to use as index selector for play
int randomNumber = Random.Range (0, clips.Length);
// assign the clip to our sfx source
sfxSound.clip = clips[randomNumber];
// support for random pitch
AudioPitchRandomizer (sfxSound, minPitch, maxPitch);
// support for random volume
AudioVolumeRandomizer (sfxSound, minVolume, maxVolume);
// and play it
sfxSound.Play ();
// Function for pitch randomization functionalities
private float AudioPitchRandomizer (AudioSource sfxSource, float minPitch, float maxPitch){
// generating a random multiplier for pitch, in the [minPitch, maxPitch] range.
float randomPitch = Random.Range (minPitch, maxPitch);
// scaling the pitch of the sound source by its multiplier
sfxSource.pitch *= randomPitch;
// return it to the caller
return sfxSource.pitch;
// Function for volume randomization functionalities
private float AudioVolumeRandomizer (AudioSource sfxSource, float minVol, float maxVol){
// generating a random multiplier for volume, in the [minVol, maxVol] range.
float randomVolume = Random.Range (minVol, maxVol);
// scaling the volume of the sound source by its multiplier
sfxSource.volume *= randomVolume;
// return it to the caller
return sfxSource.volume;